Tuesday, 14 December 2010

ピンク バレリーナ Pink Skirt Ballerina


バ レ ー を 習 い たい の 娘 の た め に 、
こ の ピ ン ク の パ レ リ ー ナ を 出来上がってきました。
14ct ア イ ー ダ 18x23 cm.
ス カ ー ト の フ リ ル に ピ ン ク の ビ ー ズ を 刺してみました~。

A pink dress ballerina made for Mabel. Mabel wanted to learn ballet
when she was small but we didn't send her for the lesson.
I sewed some pink beads on the frills of the skirt to make the bling bling.


Aisyah Helga said...

Oooh! That is so cute! My daughter loves ballet,too but there're no ballet classes over here where we live so she just contend herself with watching and learning from Angelina Ballerina!

Sumire Craft - すみれ手芸 said...

Hi Aisyah Helga. Thank you for the compliment. We have many classes here but my daughter is a hangat hangat tahi ayam character girl so
I just sew this one for her.
I love yr crafts too...so creative.

Las Creaciones de Boricua said...

Oh!!! how pretty!!!!!!!!!!!!!