Thursday, 4 November 2010

ば ら シ ャ ド ー ボ ッ ク ス Litho Roses Paper Tole

Front view of the picture.

Picture at an angle.

Layers of papers and silicon can be seen at this angle.

ま だ ニ ス 塗 り 前 で す 。
私 の 永 遠 の テ ー マ 『 薔 薇 』 の 作 品 で す 。
高 さ を 出 し て 、 よ り 立 体 的 に 仕 上 げ で あ り ま す 。
難 し い け ど 、 薔 薇 。 。 。 。 好 き で す 。
季 節 を 問 わ な い 花 な の で 、 い つ ま で も 飾 っ て
い た だ け る よ う に 。

Litho paper tole picture of roses.
I took around 2 months to finish this paper art.
The most difficult part is the stacking of the roses layer by layer to
creative a three dimension effect.
The finished piece of art should not have any silicon visible but yet
a three dimension effect is shown at a glance.
The 1st picture shows the front view of the finished project.
The 2nd picture shows the finished project at an angle where layers of
paper are being stacked to a height.
3rd and 4th pictures give a close up look of how I stacked the papers using
clear silicon.


Las Creaciones de Boricua said...

Wow!!!!!!!!!! how beautiful!!!!!!!!

MELI-BEADS said...

Sumire ,it's amazeing!It wort all the time you spent on it!

old dog learns to blog? said...

Very beautiful!