Monday, 15 November 2010

Dimension キ ッ ト - 着 物 Dimension X-stitch kit - Kimono

お店で見つけて、一目ぼれ。いざ作ってみた物 の、
予想以上に大変でした。 額に入れて玄関に飾っています。Dimension キ ッ ト の 着 物 。
細 か い の 18目 の 刺しゅう布で刺しました。

X Stitch kit by Dimension.
As usual, I love kimono...X-stitch also in kimono *@.o*
Done with DMC floss in 18 ct Aida Cream
The space between the threads of the cloth is so small.......


MELI-BEADS said...

I use to X stich when I Was a young girl.I like the kimono you made Sumire.

Cari said...

I see that you have the same interests that I, I like very much all your works-

Jaques said...

Nice Kimono!