Saturday 31 January 2009

Wedding Gown 1/ウェディングドレス 1 Code: MIDR 301, 302, 303




商品番号 : MIDR 301 白いドレス
        MIDR 302 青ドレス
        MIDR 303 紫ドレス
This is the first time I made a beaded gown. The kit was ordered from Tutu Beads from Japan.
The other 2 smaller gowns were done last year.
It took quite a long time as I need to 'study' the recipe before I start.

Code:    MIDR 301(white gown)
        MIDR 302 (blue dress)
        MIDR 303 (purple dress)

Sunday 25 January 2009

Happy Chinese New Year/謹賀新年

Happy New Year to all Chinese celebrating New Year tomorrow...26JAN09 :D

These 2 New Year cards are from my Japanese friends, Keiko Ikeda and

Miyuki Fujiwara.

あした、1月26 日は中国人の新年です。*- 。-*


Mini Gown Book /ビーズで編むプチドレス

Now I am absorbed in making mini gowns. Got this book at Popular Book
Shop. I got the silver and black torsos from Japan.
As all the recipes are in table instrustions, it will be very tough for me.

しかし全部の レシピは表格式で、大変です。