Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Strawberry Parfait  ストベリージャンボパフェ

Bead stitch kit bought in Japan years back. 
This light, creamy parfait layered with red strawberries and 
comes  with a lemon slice with diamond stud and a juicy strawberry.
Top with super whipped strawberry cream, this parfait is an ideal gift
or as a decor.

イチゴたっぷり 生クリームたっぷりの美味しそうなパフェの出来上がり~



Lila Black said...

Really, really Cute!!!! I love it!

chimerastone said...

I agree so cute I brought a book on making Japanese sweets, cakes, desserts and fruits but so hard to find specific beads and end up making them using resin clay. Miyuki kits are wonderful since have all materials for the project plus leftover for stash but tend to expensive. I picked up daiso bear beadcraft kit for only 12 HKD and wished got lot more.